
It’s a First Friday. The first Friday of the month when I’m supposed to feature an artist. But as I’m writing this it’s 8:45 on Thursday night, and I’m already behind with no clue about what to do for my first post of the year. Did I procrastinate? Uhm… Maybe I put it off a little. “But I was having such a nice holiday,” she whined.

The first half was a whirlwind Manhattan day, then mostly Italian dinners and sitting in traffic, but the last half was sitting with friends, in movie theaters, over coffee, and having a lovely time taking a break.

So alas, I’m sitting here at the beginning of 2013 resolving to accomplish great things while I am falling behind (and yet hopefully giving off the appearance of being completely organized). I’m only four days in. Geesh. Good grief. Deep breath. Sigh…

Actually that’s my best resolution idea yet. Let’s all take a deep breath. No lofty unattainable goals. No distressing resolutions. Maybe just a deep breath and the willingness to give everyone, including myself, a break. A chance to begin anew (that includes you, too, Congress). A little change will do us all a little good, and that starts by taking a deep breath. Yes, Calvin, even you.

So here’s to you Bill Watterson, the creator of my favorite comic strip. My year begins with a big thank you to you as Calvin and Hobbes remind me to stretch, give a good tummy rub and breathe.




4 Comments on First Friday: Caaalvin

  1. My goal is to be less distracted. I read a good suggestion about anchoring yourself to a moment. Not thinking about what’s next on the “to do” list, but truly absorbing the present. So at dinner tonight, I will give my family my full attention. I will listen to their words. I will look them in the eyes. I will try to notice something new about them and make a mental note of it.

    And I’ll start it all off, like you, with a deep breath 🙂

  2. I named my son Calvin after Calvin and Hobbes. And after having my first child at 40, taking a deep breath has become a mantra. It can be frustrating at first, but once you take that deep breath, it gives you the chance to step back and take a different look at things. So here’s to 2013 and a lot of deep breathing 🙂

    • You named him after Calvin? Well, I suppose you have had your hands full then. But a child with a vivid imagination can also be a wonderful thing. I’ll take a deep breath for you for 2013.

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