My Canadian flag, it stands on guard for thee.
My Canadian flag, it stands on guard for thee.

Hello again readers. I’ve missed you!

Summer is here and the Canadian Flag is out. Yes, Canada Day is just around the corner on July 1st, but it’s not the only reason this flag waves.

My historical novel about the Declaration of Independence is edited and I’ve begun the work of pitching suitable agents (more on this in the coming weeks). Friends and family have graciously begun inquiring about the process.

“Get an agent, yet? How about now? Now?”

Not only did a receive a rejection 1 hour and 35 minutes after submitting my first query, I know there are more to come. Even famous writers get them. Kathryn Stockett, author of The Help, revealed to More Magazine that she was rejected a whopping 60 times. 6-0!

Rejections are part of the process. I’m not trying to sell this book to agents and publishers, I’m trying to connect with the one agent who sees the potential in it as much as I do. Given that agents respond between 24 hours and 8 weeks, the process is unpredictable.

My friend and neighbor (another Karen), suggested I put out a sign so she didn’t have to keep asking. Brilliant!

The Canadian Flag will fly while I am still submitting to agents and publishers. Once I receive an offer on my 1776 historical novel, I’ll put out the American Flag. (Funny, right?)

I, too, look forward to seeing it wave over the home of the brave.





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